
Letter Links Online is designed to be used in conjunction with Letter Links: Alphabet Learning With Children’s Names (English and Spanish), or Infant-Toddler Letter Links: Children’s Names as Meaningful Environmental Print (English). These HighScope Press books provide detailed information that will help you understand and use the Letter Links name learning system to strengthen young children’s early literacy development.

Suitable for all early childhood educators, these books take children's natural interest in learning to write their own names as an entryway to teaching them letter recognition skills, letter-sound correspondence, and letter/word writing. In the Letter Links name learning system, each child is assigned a letter link that comes in two distinct parts: a nametag and a letter-linked image for a word starting with the same letter and sound as the child's name. Using this system, teachers can introduce fun-filled activities related to the alphabetic principle, phonological awareness, sense of word, and vocabulary. The authors of Letter Links are reading expert Dr. Andrea DeBruin-Parecki, early childhood curriculum developer and writer Mary Hohmann, and early childhood specialist Christine Snyder.

These books each provide numerous examples of letter-linked images that may be used for letter sounds in the language featured. Letter Links Online provides the same sets of letter-linked images offered in the two books. However, the Letter Links books contain a wealth of additional information on the research on early literacy that underlies the Letter Links system. Both Preschool and Infant-Toddler books outline eight specific steps to follow when using letter links and provide more than 20 letter links learning activities for teachers to use in their classrooms during various parts of the day.

Preschool Letter Links (P1204), Enlaces de letras (Preschool Spanish, P1327), and Infant-Toddler Letter Links (F1272) are available from the HighScope Online Store.

Click here for ordering information on Letter Links Online in HighScope’s store.